Parent / Guardian Information
Staff supervision begins 15 minutes before the start of the school day, so please ensure your child arrives after 7:30 a.m. School safety patrols learn leadership skills and support children before and after school. A city crossing guard assists children in crossing School Road in front of the school.
If dropping students off on the east side of School Road, have them walk to the crossing guard for assistance to ensure everyone's safety. If dropping students off on the west side of School Road, please do so in the designated drop-off areas marked accordingly. Students who live more than 1.5 miles from school are provided free transportation.
Mendota is a Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) school. At Mendota, this represents "The Mendota Way." PBS is a research-based systems approach to behavior designed to educate all students on the behavior expectations at Mendota. PBS is intended to remove the assumption that students should "know better" by educating all students, much like we would for any academic subject, in exactly what we expect of them as far as their behavior goes. This involves having a common language and common expectations for behavior at Mendota.
Mendota's community expectations are: being respectful, being safe, being responsible, and being an attentive listener. Students are expected to demonstrate these behaviors in the following environments: hallway, cafeteria, bathroom, playground, and classroom.
PBS lessons, created BY Mendota staff FOR Mendota staff/students, are used to teach the students what is expected of them in the environments and community expectations listed above. Finally, Paw Pats are used to acknowledge students for making positive behavior choices. These slips can earn celebrations for classrooms and the whole school!
Mendota offers many multicultural programs in the visual and performing arts, including choral and instrumental music, theater, opera, poetry and dance, and various artist in residence programs. Each year we feature one or more Artists in Residence programs. This has included African drumming and dance, hip-hop, and professional dance instruction. Our students attend cultural activities at the Madison Overture Center, the Madison Children's Museum, and the UW-Madison campus. With support from our Parent Teacher Organization and business partnerships our children enjoy and experience a variety of field trips throughout the year that align with our curriculum. Finally, yearly traditions such as Elder's Day, Read Your Heart Out Day, the Mendota Talent Show, and work in the Mendota Sunburst Garden help make Mendota a special school!
The Mendota Learning Community enjoys positive partnerships with our Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO sponsors our Carnival, Elder's Day Celebration, Family Fun Night, and numerous other fun activities for our school. Mendota staff and families took first place in the "Literacy Network Run/Walk" in the fall of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 school years earning $1000 in books each year for our library. The PTO supported by volunteers and employees of Kraft Foods sponsors Market Days as a primary fund raiser each month.
Mendota enjoys and values our collaborative relationships with three Neighborhood Community Centers that serve our school. The Centers provide excellent after-school and summer programming and promote technology and academic success with our students. Mendota also receives support from numerous community sponsors, especially: Webcrafters, Inc., AT&T, Marshall Fields, Madison Symphony Orchestra, the Overture Center, St. Peter's parish, RSVP, Kiwanis Club, the North Side Planning Council and numerous neighborhood associations, and Troy Gardens.
Mendota has a long history of collaboration with UW-Madison, one of the nation's top teacher training schools. We provide quality training for future teachers and our staff.
Mendota is a child-centered educational community. We believe in partnerships within the school and community to set high, yet attainable academic and behavioral goals in a joyful, safe environment.
Drop in visits by all present and potential families are welcomed.
We encourage you to talk with parents of our students to learn more about our school. Please see the Principal/Parent Contact information on this web site for current names and phone numbers.
For answers to any questions, or to request materials such as curriculum standards, handbooks, lunch menus, bus schedules or newsletters, call the Mendota Elementary School office at #204-7840.
"This year I've been in the school on various occasions and the atmosphere is inviting, artistic, appealing and yet, even peaceful!"
-- Mendota Parent
"Mendota is a great school because we have great students, teachers, and a great principal. They give us the help and strength we need to succeed."
-- Mendota Student
"When I tell my friends about the exciting field trips we have they get jealous."
-- Mendota Student
"I like seeing the principal in the hallways, at special events, outside after school - she is always there for everybody and she looks like she enjoys her job!"
-- Mendota Parent
"The teachers and principal are great and the mix of student racial and economic backgrounds is a big plus!"
-- Mendota Parent
"I loved going to the new Overture Center. Mendota has the best teachers!! Mendota is #1 in the nation!"
-- Mendota Student
"What I like best about Mendota are the teachers. They are always there to talk to and help with anything that our children or parents need."
-- Mendota Parent